Help your child deal with their anger

A research-based psychological course that can help your child tackle their anger in a healthy way and which teaches you how to support your child in a healthy development.

It’s weekend, and your child has been lying lazily on the couch, staring at their phone for hours.

“I don’t want to tell you again! Now, go and tidy your room up,” you say slightly irritated.

Your child flares up, yells at you and throws the phone at you. The anger in your child feels so powerful that he or she seems about to explode.

Maybe it’s not just you that your child’s anger is directed at. Maybe your child has lashed out at someone or called his teacher ugly things?

Anger is a feeling that all people experience from time to time. The feeling of getting angry is important and quite useful in many situations. It can tell both ourselves and others around us that there is something we do not like

It is therefore perfectly normal to be angry once in a while. It is also normal to be angry quite often.

But if your child has difficulty controlling or dealing with their anger, it can cause problems.

The anger must not be suppressed or removed. But it may be a good idea for your child to learn how to deal with and control their anger in a healthy way so that they can avoid their anger causing other problems.

In Myinnermes’ course on anger, you and your child get psychological knowledge and advice to work with anger via research-based methods. You also get the opportunity to look inwards. It often turns out that children who have anger issues also have parents who react inappropriately to anger. Children mirror themselves in the adults around them.

Whether you have challenges with anger or not, your participation in the programme can give you a better relationship with your child and create a calmer atmosphere at home. That’s the bonus – for you, for the child and for the rest of the family.

The programme may serve as a supplement to current treatment. It may also be for you who are on a waiting list for treatment for your child. Or for those who don’t want to see a psychologist but just want to work with their child’s anger with the flexibility and confidentiality a digital solution such as Myinnerme can offer.

Does their anger cause trouble for your child or others?

It is very common for children and young adults to experience anger as they get older and more independent. It’s part of their separation process from the adults in their life, and it signals their desire for you to let go of them.

However, if your child’s anger becomes too much and causes trouble for either the child themselves or others, it may be necessary for the child to do some work on how to deal with the anger in a different way.

Anger can also be experienced as problematic if your family finds it difficult to deal with anger reactions. In some families, anger is something that is expressed a lot. In other families, it’s never expressed.

In some families it is common to get upset instead of angry. In other families, anger can be expressed through irony, which means that they say something, but actually think the opposite.

This can be difficult and confusing for people of all ages. Especially for children who have not yet developed the ability to perceive irony and who can therefore become unsure of what is meant by what is being said. The programme will give you some tools for what you can do when anger and feelings are hard to talk about.

Work with the anger and have a child in better balance

We have used everything we know about child psychology, teaching and digital communication to design an effective and flexible programme for you and your child. The goal is to create a nice and safe place where your child, with your support, learns to understand themselves, deal with their anger and gets in better balance.

The programme uses psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapeutic exercises and diary writing.

Through psychoeducation, your child learns what anger is, what it can feel like and why it’s like that. With cognitive behavioural exercises, which is one of the most widely used psychological treatment methods worldwide, your child is guided to develop strategies for dealing with their anger. And through diary writing, your child gets in touch with their inner world and gets to work with their thoughts and feelings.

The programme is divided into 18 sessions based on psychological research results and several years of clinical experience from working with children and adolescents.

Through the programme you learn about issues such as:

  • The three different ways your child can be angry.
  • Pros and cons of your child’s anger.
  • What triggers your child’s anger.
  • How anger affects your child’s body.
  • How to use the anger volcano to examine your child’s anger.
  • That it can help to talk to others about your anger.
  • How you find a pattern in your child’s wrath.
  • The four typical thought errors your child commits when angry – and how to avoid them.
  • How your child can handle their anger by thinking differently.
  • What exercises can help your child take breaks from the anger.
  • How your child can express their anger in a better way.
  • Two effective and peaceful ways to let out anger.
  • How your child can get a longer fuse and avoid exploding.
  • How compromises can solve many anger problems.
  • Why it’s important that your child tells others that they have worked with their anger and improved.
  • How to help your child maintain the good results you have achieved in the process.

The programme runs in two parallel tracks. One for your child and one for you, so you can support your child in their healthy development